

Nixey. she / her. minor. EST. ©

==  NAME  ==   Otterkit --> Otterpaw --> Otterbubble/Ottercloud==  AGE   ==  One moon==  GENDER   == Female==  PRONOUNS   ==  she/her==  SEXUALITY   ==  Gynosexual and Gynoromantic==  MONO OR POLY  ==  Monogamous==  VOICE CLAIM   == Adult: Rosetta from Tinkerbell (think a little more squeaky and less developed accent in childhood)==  THEME SONG   ==  Little Miss Perfect by Taylor Louderman and Write Out Loud==  CREATION DATE   ==  3/15/2023. March 15th 2023==  FIRST APPERANCE   ==  TBA==  CURRENT STATUS   ==  Available==  ROLEPLAY STATUS   ==  Open

==  RESIDENCE   ==  Riverclan==  RANK  ==  Kit==  MENTOR  ==  N/A==  FORMER MENTOR  ==  N/A==  APPRENTICE  ==  N/A==  MOTHER   ==  Fawnlight==  FATHER   ==  Cloudjumper==  BROTHER(S)   ==  n/a==  SISTER(S)   ==  Daykit (@x ghostie) and Snowkit (@lio)==  OTHER FAMILY   ==  TBA==  CRUSH   ==  N/A==  MATE   ==  N/A==  KITS   == N/A


==  SHORT  ==   An average sized, fluffy brown furred cat with green eyes and white spots.==  DESCRIPTIVE  == TBA==  SCARS  == N/A==  DEFORMITIES  == N/A==  DISABLITIES  == N/A==  CLEAN  == 7/10==  IMAGE CREDIT  == n/a

==  DESCRIPTIVE  == An affectionate personality can cause Otterkit to be a bit overbearing sometimes. Her love is expressed through physical contact and gifts, and so her family, friends, and future crushes will most likely be receiving each of those. But she’s also observant, being able to tell when something is wrong even if she can’t exactly pinpoint what the issue is. She tries her best to make the cat feel better, and her decisiveness aids her in making those decisions. It’s easier for her to decide what to do and what not to do, making it useful when it comes to things like that. Lastly, Otterkit is trusting, practically placing all her eggs in one basket without considering the consequences that could happen due to it. Her trust can be regained easily due to this.What helps her forgive so much is that she is forgetful. Otterkit does tend to hear something and then forget it the next time someone asks her about it. Now, this could be due to her inattentive nature, since she does have a hard time paying attention to things, but it’s not always because of that. She can also become impatient easily, which she may grow out of but for now, it is certainly a bit annoying and leads to her fussiness when things aren’t done quickly enough.==  POSITIVE  == Affectionate | Decisive | Observant | Trusting==  NEGATIVE  ==  Forgetful | Fussy | Impatient | Inattentive==  MENTAL AGE  == TBA==  MENTAL STATE  == Good==  PHOBIAS  == Thalassophobia, autophobia==  OUTLOOK  == Optimistic==  RESPONSIBILITY  == 4/10==  LOGICAL/EMOTIONAL  == Emotional


==  NAME   ==  feelings

==  NAME   ==  feelings

==  NAME   ==  feelings